
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Darth Maul Wallet

 So those of you who have followed my blog for some time know that I make a lot of stuff out of Duct Tape.  One of my biggest sellers is my Duct Tape Wallet.

My friends Mother asked me to make her grandson a Star Wars Wallet for his upcoming birthday.
His favorite character is Darth surprise there, he's a popular one.

After what seemed like forever I finished the wallet...and I thought I'd share my skilzzzz with you guys.
Keep in mind this is my first Darth Maul be gentle with me :)

Here is the front of the wallet with Darth Maul himself....scary look'n dude isn't he?'s the inside.  I also made the Star Wars logo for some added awesomeness

This wallet is 100% Duct Tape...handmade by yours truly.

So I had to put it to the test...First my 4 yr old son....The Lego Star Wars Master of the house
He approved.
Then on to my 12 yr old son....The I'll be totally honest with you person of the house
He thought it was Awesome!
Last but not least..The hubs..the I've been a fan since I was a kid and know it all of the house
He totally approved and was thoroughly amazed.

I guess I can say it was Kid Tested...Mother Approved!

But better yet, my friends Mom loves it and that's what matters  :)

To Check Out My Etsy Shop Click Here
 I'm currently working on more Wallets to add to my shop

Have a great night guys, 
and thanks for letting me brag show you the wallet I made today..
You guys Rock!



  1. Thank you Ginger!!! Your comment(s) made my day, thank you for taking the time to comment :) Have an awesome day!

  2. Wow! You did a great job! Did you cut out all the little pieces to put Darth Maul together?


    1. Thank you so much Noreen!! Yes, I cut each of those tiny little pieces's actually really hard to do. I've been working with Duct Tape and selling my creations for years now, and it's still time consuming to finish the details like this, but so worth it. I just finished a custom order for a Yoda Wallet yesterday. It turned out pretty cool too :) Thanks for taking the time to comment! Have a great weekend!


I adore comments from my readers, thank you so much for taking the time to comment and making my day by doing so.