
Monday, April 16, 2012

Creamer Container to Snack Container

This is the coolest idea ever!  Ok maybe not ever..but pretty darn ingenius if you ask me.

I will totally admit it's not my idea, wish I could say it was but I found it on Pinterest.

That pic is an actual pic of my empty Coffee Creamer Bottle from this morning.
Its the mega big bottle...yeah I'm one of those "I like a little coffee with my creamer" types :)
P.S. If you haven't tried the Italian Sweet Cream it is the BEST!!!

I cleaned out the container, peel off the wrapper (super easy) and filled it up with Goldfish!
This would be perfect for in the car, or in a bag, cause I don't know about you but sometimes Ziplocs just don't work out so well in the car and/or in your purse!

Let's face it, they tear, and they spill easy.
That's why this is so handy!

Tried out the pouring skills on this bad boy and it works fab-U-lous!

There's my youngest with a mouth full of Goldfish as his mother so conveniently told him to smile for the camera.  He's a good boy, thanks buddy!

So I'm totally loving this idea.  And you don't have to use it for dry snacks.
You can put OJ in it, Water, homemade creamer..what ev.
I doubt I will ever throw my empty creamer bottles away ever again!

Have a great day 
Happy Crafting!

Side Note: I'd like to apologize for not posting these last 5 days.  We had a death in the family and had another one today.  It's been a very hard week for my family to say the least.  I understand all of you had no way of knowing that, but I lost TWO followers in those 5 days and it's a bummer.  I work hard to keep my blog going and to give you guys some useful fun crafts.  So to those two that left I have one thing to say to you..."Baby come back!"  Crafty Soccer Mom misses you!

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