
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Duct Tape Christmas Ornaments

Duct Tape Christmas Ornaments

Aren't these adorable???!!!
Or has my love of Duct Tape gone too far lol :)

I'll tell you what they look awesome on my tree!

So cute!

Here's the rest that I made...

Jingle Bells

Candy Cane

Red/White/Green Striped

Red & Gold

Snow Flakes

Green & Gold

And for my very favorite...Drum roll please....

Santa!! I love this one!!

SO I ran over to my tree and put it on there...LOVE IT!

Ok Ok..I'll stop obsessing over my TOTALLY awesome Ornaments!! 
But only for a few minutes while I show you how I did this :)

First pick out the color/design of Duct Tape you want to use...

Next cut out two 7inch strips of tape..then cut those in half.
You should now have FOUR 3.5 inch piece of Duct tape.
Make a piece of Duct Tape Fabric (laying two pieces sticky side to sticky side, making sure to leave some sticky showing so that you can flip it over and repeat.
You will end up with this...this is the front and the back will look exactly the same.

I used the inside of a roll of Duct Tape as my guide for a circle..I just traced it with a pen

Then I cut it out like so

I made a little tab by using a strip of Duct Tape..sticking it to the front and then folding it over to the back.
Then I punched a hole in it with a hole punch.

Then I attached some silky ribbon.

Hung it on my tree and called it a day...
ok well actually I didn't, I ran back and made a ton more...can you say ADDICTING!

This is a family friendly get the kids involved and let them make some ornaments too :)
You can use a Sharpie on the back to write the year!

Have a great day 
Happy Crafting!!


  1. You're the best! Thank you so much!!

  2. Walmart has a good selection and Michaels craft store...some of them I made :) Duct Tape has come a long way!

  3. This is a craft my cousin would LOVE she's obsessed with duct tape! Would you please share this with my readers for Fun Stuff Fridays?

  4. I'm obsessed with Duct Tape too!! I make a gazillion things with it, isn't it the coolest?! I would love to share this, thank you for thinking of me :)

  5. i love duck tape! thank you for these great ideass!!

  6. Walmart has lots of colored Duct Tape, but I haven't seen Christmas duct tape anywhere! Do you know of a source?

  7. Hi Noreen,
    Michaels Craft Store carried a few Christmas Duct Tapes. Also, have you seen the Duct Tape Christmas Packing Tape? That is what I used to make a few of these ornaments...I just put it over White Duct Tape. Does that make sense? Walmart is kind of funny with their Duct Tape, they have it all over the store...In the Tape Section, sometimes they will have some in the Office Supply/School Supply Section, also the Holiday Style Duct Tape is usually in the Holiday Section. I hope that helps. Feel free to let me know if you have any more questions :) Have a fabulous day!

  8. Thanks, Nicole. It's too late to look this year, but I'll know where to look next year. And maybe then they'll have even more choices! There is no Michaels here, so I'm kind of limited.

  9. Hi Nicole, I thought you might enjoy this link I found... lots of duct tape ideas here!

  10. Noreen,
    Do you have a Hobby Lobby? Any major craft store would carry can also check your local Hardware Store..they seem to carry some too these days :)

  11. Thanks, Nicole. I haunted Hobby Lobby, Walmart and Lowes the last few months for duct tape as I made several wallets for Christmas gifts. (Added a $2 bill to them which the recipients loved!)

    I just noticed I dorked in my last message and forgot to give you the link! Duh!

  12. That's Duct Tape Wallets are my biggest seller. I sell A LOT of them. I think all my son's friends have one, some of their dads, and just about every boy in my family. I too stick some moolah in the wallet..makes for a fun gift :)
    Thank you for the link. I'm going to go check it out right now.
    Most of my Duct Tape Creations I haven't put on my blog yet. I try to space them out with all my other projects :)

  13. Oh, I just looked at the link..I belong to that club. There's some neat idea's on there for sure.

  14. Here are some of the other things I've made out of duct tape:

  15. I just found your blog today and I love it. I started making duct tape crafts earlier this year and I just fell in love with these ornaments. I will definitely be making some for our tree this year :)

    1. Thank you so much Teresa! These Ornaments were a blast to make, and so easy. You'll have so much fun designing your own :) Thank you for your awesome comment!

  16. made 2 in three minutes and I LOVE THEM! my entire tree might be these this year. LOL, ohhh, maybe these with a circle cut picture of a kiddo inside each (I usually only have picture ornaments on the tree) :-)

    1. Thank you!! I agree, these are a ton of fun to make!! Love your idea about putting a pic in the middle! You could use Clear Contact Paper...I think I will try that!!! If you cover your tree in these, send me a pic, I'd love to see it :)

  17. I am IN LOVE with your website and crafts. I have never been very crafty and need a guide to be crafty. Your website is just what I wanted. I love all of your Ideas and make them all the time!

  18. I can't figure out how you got your tabs inside the ornament on all the ones besides the reindeer. I get how you folded it over, but your other bulbs don't show the overlap! Help!

    1. Hi Hank! I left the overlapping tabs on the back, and cut the tab in the front around the bulb so it didn't have the overlap :)


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