
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Indoor "Sand Box"

Indoor "Sand Box"

I posted this on Facebook last year and my friends LOVED it, so I thought I would share it with you :)

All that is needed is this project is uncooked rice...and a big plastic tote.

I like the flat ones that people use for wrapping paper but you can use anything.

I've also used this:

Today I used a smaller Tupperware container...I like to shake things up..

I gave him a funnel and he put his cars in there..and was actually quiet for like 15 minutes..
that is a REALLY long time for him lol :)

This is last year..I used two huge disposable foil pans from the Dollar Tree..which worked out GREAT!
I gave them sand toys, kitchen measuring cups, and funnels and they had so much fun.

I don't know when the last time you stuck your hand in a pile of uncooked rice was...but it feels FANTASTIC!

I mean that's why so many people use rice as sensory boxes for little kids, the rice feels so soothing when it drops through your fingers...

You can do this outside as well, that's why I like the big long tote, it comes with a lid.
You can fill it up with beans, rice, small rocks or sand. 

We love filling up the totes with mini pebbles too..Jackson put all his construction hot wheel's in there and played with that a lot.

Have a fantastic day!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! WE've use dry pinto beans for my little ones and they've loved day, I'll get brave and try out the rice! ;)


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