
Friday, June 24, 2011

Washer Necklace

Washer Necklace

Alright ladies...time to hit up the hardware store!  Washer's are one of my favorite things to buy for Craft related projects.  I have another craft I'll post soon.

Supplies for this gorgeous necklace :)
Small (lightweight washers)
Clasp for necklace

I simply attached the washer to the finding and then attached it to the chain...easy peasy!

I think it turned out great, and I LOVE IT..just say'n  
Let's just look at it again just for fun...

The reason I used the smaller washers is that they get rather heavy the bigger you go.  So you want to stick with something that is lightweight so you don't hurt your neck.  Another added bonus, they only cost me $0.99..CHEAP!

You could certainly add some beads in there for a punch of color, I wanted just a silver necklace this time, but I may try that next time.

Happy Crafting!


  1. Nicole, you are amazing! You should have started a blog ages ago. You have the most wonderful projects. I would love to interview you on my blog. Everyone must see your's the perfect place for all the mommies who have antsy children at home this summer. Way to go, girl.

  2. Thanks for linking, I am going to delete it only because you linked it under my ongoing give away linky. Please come back this afternoon to link at the Party Mindie Style link party.

  3. that is should make one for your best friend!!!

  4. Wow, thank you Ladies! You made my day..truly from the bottom of my heart, thank you ;)

    I would LOVE to be interviewed...that would be so much fun!!

    Mindie, I only realized that after I linked lol..but i'll go there later today for sure and link up..cause us girls that love piggies have to stay together right?? LOL :)

    As for you miss Thrilling Thrifties....I KNEW you would love this necklace, totally thought of you :)

  5. Saw your project over at BaconTime and had to check it out! Now, I am a follower.

  6. Welcome to my blog Jenni! I'm new to BaconTime, I think Mindie is super duper nice :) So glad you like the necklace, it's fun huh? Have a fabulous weekend!

  7. Nicole thanks again for coming to the party and for grabbing my button. I was going to grab yours now too but don't see one, maybe I just need more coffee, hope I am not missing it. I blog early before my kids are up. If you have one or when you get one let me know and I will be happy to grab it. Love your ideas on here, I am a total accessory girl too and make a lot of headbands and jewelry type crafts.

  8. oh wow such a great necklace. Thank you for sharing.
    I am a new follower from Party Mindie Style

  9. Mindie: I don't have a button, cause I can hardly figure this whole blog thing out lol...I'll get there, and when I do i'll let you know. Thanks for the support, and your compliments, you're the best!

    Celeste: It's nice to meet you, and welcome to my blog! Glad you like the necklace :)

  10. This is a great idea. I love to browse in the hardware store for craft supplies while hubby is shopping.


  11. I love using washers for jewelry--nice job!

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