
Thursday, June 9, 2011

No Sew T-Shirt Tote Bag

No Sew T-Shirt Tote Bag

I am going to show you a very simple way to create your own tote bag by recycling an old t-shirt, or by using a new one (Dollar Tree has plain colored t-shirts too)

You will need:
One T-Shirt
Big Bowl or Plate

Here are the steps:
Place bowl/plate on the top portion of the t-shirt, around the collar.  Trace with a pen. You want to leave enough space between the bowl and the sleeve, that will be your handle.

Then cut out along the line you just traced. 

Next step is to cut off sleeves.  Toss the sleeves and collar, you don't need them.  
Or save them for a future project :)

Almost done folks!  Easy peasy huh?  Ok..Next step is to cut strips along the bottom of the t-shirt. 
Your strips should be about 3 inches long and about 3/4 wide (give or take).

Oh so pretty!!  Look at that lovely fringe...Ok on your two end pieces you need to split those up the middle so that the side is not connected like all the other little fringe pieces :)  Hope that makes sense!

Last Step!! So exciting I know!!  Start at the left side...Pick up the top piece of fringe and the bottom piece of fringe that goes with it..and tie a double knot..then move on down the row till you've reached the other end.  Tie them tight so there aren't any holes in the bottom of the bag..we don't want your lipstick falling out the bottom now do sir!

Ta Da!!! Now you are finished!!  Your fancy nancy tote bag is ready for the runway..

Other uses for this tote:
Recycled Grocery Bag
Library Book Bag
School bag
The list goes on and on..really.  If it gets dirty just throw it in the wash, and because it's a cotton t-shirt it will never fray...YAY!
Hey I'm a poet and didn't even know it lol..ok I'll admit, that was lame :)

This is a very easy project that kids can do.  It would be a great craft for Slumber Parties, Birthday Parties, Church Groups, or just a craft to do when the kids are driving you nuts..I mean when the kids are bored!

You can decorate your Tote Bag with Puff Paint, Iron On Decals, Sharpies, by tying beads to the fringe on the bottom of bag or you can use one of the sleeves and sew it on as a pocket!

Have fun and..

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Very cute! Looks like fun!

  2. Help me this is Mrs. Rice and I dont know how to join and I want to :)

  3. LOL..I love you Mrs. Rice!!! See where it says "Follow by Email" on the right hand side close to the top? You put your email address in there, and it will send you a confirmation email.

    And then if you want to "Follow" the blog as well, click "Follow" and follow directions from there, either using your gmail address, etc...

    Hope that helped!! You're the best :)

  4. Your directions were great. I jus feel like makn more and more totes. My first was great!!!!!!

  5. Oh good!! That's exciting!! Did you leave it plain or did you add some flair to it? You should email me some pics I'd love to see what you did :) Have a fabulous day!!

  6. The shirt already had designs on it but i couldnt wear it anymore and i used your tote as a way to recycle it!

  7. Perfect! That's the best way to go! I love doing that with old t-shirts that have my favorite sports team, band or favorite whatever on it..makes for a fun bag :)


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