
Friday, June 17, 2011

Chore Blocks

Chore Blocks

These are awesome...just say'n :)

My kids are far apart in age, and I needed something that would work for both of them.  I wanted them to earn their allowance, but make it fun at the same time.

I've seen a lot of people use these wood blocks for crafts, and some had the same idea of using them as chore blocks.

So what I did was, I hit up my local craft store...they know me by name...embarrassing!

I bought 3 small 2in wood blocks.  I let the boys pick which color they would like their block to be and painted it accordingly using acrylic paint. 

The oldest wanted yellow, the youngest orange.  I then painted the money one green....
it just made cents sense :)

I put chores for each boy that were both age appropriate & I knew they could handle.
Now they can roll their dice to see what chore they get for the day..then roll the money one to see how much they earn. 

Each of them has a "free pass" on their block, which the oldest thought was fabulous...of course :)


Happy Crafting!!


  1. I would love for you to link these up to my linky party that runs Friday evening through Sunday night. You can find the button for the party at

    Our last party, the first ever, had over 300 links so this week there will be a special give away just for linkers, hope to see you soon.

  2. Yay!!! Sounds like a plan, thank you so much...I'll be there! Have a great weekend!

  3. Thank you! My boys like it :) Especially my oldest..he landed on "Free Pass" today!

  4. I love this idea! What are the lowest and highest amounts on the money block? I'm gonna have to make these for my 3. Then I'm sure there'll be less "It's not my turn to do that!" arguments.


  5. Thank you!! I put $0.10, $0.25, $0.25, $0.50, $0.50, & $0.75.
    The reason I did them so low was because I figured they would do these daily and possibly roll twice (doing 2 chores if they wanted to earn more) ..then they receive their earnings at the end of the week. You could certainly do any amount that you feel necessary. If I was to have them roll one a week, I would raise the money. Have fun with it!

  6. Wow!! This is so neat!! I'm going to make these for my kiddos! I can't wait! :)

  7. A brilliant, cool idea. Thanks!

  8. Probably could make these with cut and folded cardboard, too.


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