
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Baseball Bracelet

Baseball Bracelet

Take me out to the ball game, 

Take me out with the crowd,

Buy me some Peanuts and Cracker Jacks...

I don't care if I never get back!

So this idea just came to me this morning...I hadn't even had my coffee yet and I had just woken up and BAM! The idea for this bracelet came from left field..HA HA..No pun intended :)

All I used for this project was White Duct Tape, Red Embroidery Floss, Scissors, and a Hole Punch.
This is so much fun!
I'm going to make a football one next :)

Have a great day!


  1. I hope Jessi sees this craft! I think all the family of Preston's all star team need one! You are so clever Nicole!

  2. Thank you!! LOL..Yeah she saw it, I sent her a pic and she was all over it like white on rice :)

  3. Hi there. This is Macy from Confessions of a SAHM. I read your comment and wrote a post on how to make a blog button:
    I hope it helps. :)

  4. Thank you Macy! I actually just got it up there right before you posted this! You're the best, I could use all the help I can get since I'm new to this. Have a fantastic day, and again thank you for your support.

  5. Grabbing your button! Thanks for linking to bacon time, see you soon! I will post your button on my friends page now.

  6. Yay!! Thanks Mindie @
    for being the first blogger to "grab my button" you are the coolest!! Go check out her out, her blog is awesome :)


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