
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Buttons Aunt has Cancer.

And it sucks.

So the last couple days I made her a bunch of buttons.  
She handed them out to staff and patients at the Cancer Center yesterday.

Here they are:

These buttons made my Aunt smile...
I told my cousins that because these buttons put a smile on her  face that I would her make a million more.

My Aunt's a fighter.  

As a "Crafty" person, this is how I can help her, and do something that makes her happy.


Funny Buttons.

Buttons that give her that fight to push on.


you picked the wrong bitch!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

30 Day Marriage Challenge

Hello Ladies!
 Today's subject...Marriage

Awhile back my cousin was telling me about this 30 Day Marriage Challenge that she did.
It sounded fun, and interesting, so I thought to myself...
I can do that!  I should do that!  I will do that! 

Let's face it, Marriage is a challenge, a worthwhile challenge but still a challenge.
  Its a lot of work...
it takes love, understanding, encouragement, devotion, and it has ups and downs.
Then you throw kids into the mix...Ugh!
My mother always told me...
"Couples fight about two things....Children & Money...Too much of one, not enough of the other"
She's wise..just wise.
None the less...
You have that person by your side thru thick and thin, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.  And that is amazing!

I can't even imagine my life with out my husband.  He's my rock, my best friend, and the one person I know hands down I can always depend on to be there for me. 
Which is why I want to accept this challenge...Bring it!
 He's awesome...the awesomest!
Totally a word.

So this 30 day challenge is a piece of cake...

Not this kind of cake...but that does look delish!
Each day has an easy task in which to follow. 
Super easy things like "Leave him a sweet note" or "Laugh with your Husband today"

See, those are so hard...You can do it!

Click on the link above and print out your copy of this 30 day challenge from
Each challenge is numbered 1-30 and you do one a day.  

They are super easy and I encourage you to try this with me.
It'll be fun!

So...I'm starting tomorrow...because I just saw what #29 is and I have a lot of shows on tonight LOL :)
Tomorrow it is!

Have a great night everyone! 

P.S. As I'm previewing my post I get a random text from the hubs "Love you."
And that folks is why I want to do this, because my husband deserves it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Look What I Got!

I got a new Duct Tape today.....

and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!

Bring on the Pointer Sisters!

Ok..seriously what is up with my use of music video's lately???

On to my new Duct Tape..

So if you follow my blog you know about my love affair with Duct Tape and
my current love affair with posting old music vid's in my blog post lol

If you know me personally you also know that I love any thing Cupcake!

So Cupcake Duct Tape is like a dream come true for me!

I just had to share this exciting find with you guys

Thanks for putting up with my CrAzInEsS!

Have a good night!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Duct Tape Binky Clip

Ok, let's start this out by saying...No laughing at me! Ok Ok, that wouldn't be any fun..
Laugh away LOL!!!

So I decided to make a Binky Clip out of Duct Tape today...Why?
Lord only knows.
I don't have a baby...nor do I have any Binky's laying around LOL.
But it came to me, and I had to do it!

So here's it goes!

I bought these "fashion" clips...I'm not sure these are still "in" fashion but what ev...
These are the same as suspender if you have some of those laying around use them.

You'll need some Duct Tape...

First things first...Cut a piece of Duct Tape to 12 inches long.
Please excuse my shadow at the bottom of the pic...clearly it really wanted some attention, it kept popping up in my's so probably thinks this post it about it..(gotta love 70's songs)

Moving on...

Flip the tape so it's sticky side up
And fold over one side about 1/2 inch towards the middle

Now do the same with the remaining sticky side, fold it over toward the middle so that there is now NO sticky left on the Duct Tape and you are left with a 12 inch piece of Tape.

Now take your "fashion" clip and cut off one of the metal pieces.
See how that fabric is fraying...Yeah my scissors got stuck to it due to sticky Otter Pop Juice left on my scissors.
I can thank one of my spawn for that...Gotta love Otter Pop Season!

Put the Strip through the bottom of the clip and tape it down.  I taped around it twice for extra durability.

On the other end, add some Self Adhesive Velcro Dots.

And guess what?
Two Things...One...

I have "You're so Vain" stuck in my head....and I'll bet you do too :)

And Second..

You're done!

Don't laugh at my pathetic attempt to show you how this works LOL!!
So obviously you unvelcro this, slip the Binky through and Velcro it back up.
The "fashion" clip is then clipped onto your babies clothing.

Pretty cool eh?

This is what I LOVE about Duct has endless possibilities!

I love coming up with new inventive ways to use Duct Tape.

Have a great day
Happy Crafting!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Nursing Bracelet

This is my newest addition to my Etsy Shop!

It's called a Nursing Bracelet.

Perfect for new Mom's, and a gift they will thank you for!

I only have one in my shop right now, but will have more with in the next couple of days.

So go read all about my Nursing Bracelet, what's it's for, how it know all the deets.

I'm off to the beach for the weekend, it's Spring Break Baby!

Psst...hey you...Yeah you!
Did you notice some changes to my blog??

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Phone Number Bracelet

Today I am bringing you The Phone Number Bracelet

Why you may ask?

Well Spring Break starts for us this weekend, and Summers right around the corner.
Families travel, kids are running a muck in the neighborhood, you're at the park, picnics, play dates..
yadda yadda yadda.

If your kids get lost and/or need to remember their phone number, 
this bracelet is perfect!

And Yes I totally used the infamous phone number from the 80's!


You can thank me later for getting this song stuck in your head...
ain't I a stinker!
Now I made mine on Stainless Steal Memory Wire...BUT
you don't have to.  If your kid is running around or you're at Disney're going to want something that will have zero chance of falling off so be thinking of that when  you make your bracelet.

Here are some other suggestions, either putting the numbers/beads on ribbon or string and tying it, or making it into a charm bracelet with a metal clasp, a necklace or even string the numbers on their shoe laces.

What ever your heart desires.  This could be a fun project for the kids, and they can design it themselves.

Safety First!

Have a great day 
Happy Crafting!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hair Vine

I've been wanting to make one of these Hair Vines for some today I did.

Now..Keep in mind this is my FIRST attempt, so it's not the best.
My next one should be better...fingers crossed.

Now if you haven't heard of Hair Vines...let me give you the skinny.

They are typically used for Weddings or Proms..things of that nature.  For Wedding use, they are typically longer than the one I made and used in place of a Tiara.
I know I know...who could replace a Tiara!

But I promise they are just as exciting and gorgeous as a Tiara!

On each end is a loop to place your Bobby Pins so the Hair Vine stays in place.

Mine is about 4 in long and would be cute on the side of your hair, or on the outside of an Updo.
I would've shown you but I am a dork when it comes to these types of things and I can't do it myself...
What? I live in a house full of boys! 
 LOL :)

I like this shorter version, because it's great for every day use.
But here's the kicker..
Make it fancier for that special event by using Swarovski Crystals and Pearls OR keep it simple for an everyday look.  They are very organic and pretty looking, and are customizable to your favorite color/style.

I will for sure be making more of these!

Have a great day
Happy Crafting!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rhinestone Stud Earrings

Like a Rhinestone Cowboy.....sorry that song totally just popped into my brain LOL!

I made these super D-duper cute stud earrings today!


I'd like to show you how I did it.  

Here are the two items you will need to make these AWESOME stud earrings...

Rhinestones that are flat on the back (No sticky and/or self adhesive)
Stud Earring Findings


So now you glue the Rhinestones onto the earrings...wait...wait....wait..Ok now they should be ready!

And sport those babies like nobodies business!

Make them for your daughters, or someone else's daughters, for your niece, for your neighbor 


Just make them for yourself!


You can order them from My Etsy Shop!

Have a great day 
Happy Crafting!!


Good Morning!

Just wanted to let you know that I have my Etsy Shop up and running now!

I have 41 items right now in my shop, and I will be adding more little by little.

Here are some of the items in my shop:

Larger Seed Bead in multiple colors on Stainless Steal Memory Wire.
I love this bracelet, it can go with anything!

Cheetah Print Duct Tape Wallet

Lime Green Butterfly Earrings
Perfect for Spring these earrings are super duper light weight

So those are just a few items in my shop!
I'll be adding more so stay tuned!

Have a great day!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Easter Frame

Today I made this super inexpensive frame for my home.

I bought a frame at Michaels for $1 and my Mom bought me these foam Easter Stickers also $1..
Thanks Mom! I'm sure these were meant for my boys but I couldn't resist dipping into them :)

I made the "Hippity Hoppity" sign on my computer...easy peasy!

So all in all this project cost me $1...YAY!

It's a great project for the kids too...You could glue Jelly Beans on the frame, or paint the frame..
I liked the natural color this go around, but if I make another one I think I'll paint it.

Happy Crafting!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


This weekend I plan on putting a lot of my merchandise on Etsy.

I've had an online shop for a couple of years now but I have some issues with my site.
So I've decided to go back to selling on Etsy.
I love Etsy, and it's gets a ton of traffic...cause everyone loves Etsy :)
How could you not right?

So here's where I always run into a problem..
Pricing my handcrafted items.

It is so hard!
I'm a natural born giver...and I always sell myself short...according to others..on my pricing.

I tend to under price my stuff...because I honestly feel guilty.  Weird?
Do you have the same dilemma?

But after hearing "You don't charge enough" over and over for years..I'm starting to wonder...
Am I missing out? Could I or should I be charging more?

This is where my husband and my oldest son step in to help me....
I always ask them how much they think I should sell something for...of course it's always way higher than I would actually sell it for, but they are being honest and it makes my day.

So I usually end up taking the price that I have and the price they have and decide on a price somewhere in the middle ;)

So long story short...soon I will have an Etsy shop that I can share with you guys!
I'm going to keep my original online store open as well.

I've received a lot of emails asking if I sell certain items that I have made on my blog, and the answer is Yes.

Here is my current online store:

There are a lot of items that I have to sell that are not currently on my website that I will be putting on Etsy.

Such as...

These Memory Wire Bracelet's
And this is only 7 of them..I have about 20 other bracelet's like this but with different designs to put on there as well.

This Duct Tape Makeup Bag is an item I've received a lot of emails about. 
So I want to get that up on my Etsy shop too so I can start selling them.
I love's so cute!

Coincidentally these are the items I'm having the toughest time pricing.

I'll keep you updated on my Etsy shop and hopefully have some items up by this weekend.

I'm actually really excited about it...I love having my own shop. It's really rewarding and fun when people buy your handcrafted items :)

So please tell me I'm not the ONLY one that has a hard time pricing handcrafted  items.....or am I?
LOL..I'm pretty sure I'm not :)

Hope you all have a fabulous day!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Battle of the Cookers &Crafters


So my girl Mindie over at Bacon Time w/ the Hungry Hungry Hypo has a fun contest coming up..
It's called
 Spring Battle of the Cookers & Crafters!

SO here's the deets:
"Starting this coming Friday March 16, 2012, you will be able to link up your Spring inspired recipes and crafts for a chance to win some fabulous prizes and bragging rights.   
The craft link and recipe link with the most views will be the two reigning champions! 
This contest will be open world wide.  If you don't have a blog to link up posts with, you are welcome to link up pics from your facebook page, as long as they fit our theme of Spring crafts or recipes, and are made by you."
There are a ton of really neat Sponsors with really neat items!
I'm not a sponsor this time around but I assure you, you will love all the prizes!!
Head over to Bacon Time and check out Mindie's blog post about the event and check out all the wonderful sponsors  :)
Let's give a big thank you to Mindie for hosting this fun event and to all her Sponsors for all their handcrafted donations.
Now go get your craft on!
Have a great day!